The Peacock

Monday, December 7, 2015

Autumn Breeze

This was digitally painted on my Wacom, (details) in Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and edited in PS5. She was a fun picture. The fall is my favorite season, mostly because my birthday in October 19th. I love waiting for the peak of the leaves color, right before they fall off of the trees. There's nothing like getting lost in the Smokey Mountains hiking too - for the best inspirations. For years, I've carried my sketchbooks around during each season. Mostly to jot down idea's, and more importantly to capture the colors. Of course autumn is the most vibrant scenery, well depending on where you're from. If you haven't experienced the overwhelming sensations, from a beautiful fall - then I really recommend that you travel to the mountains in late October.

Anyway, "Autumn Breeze" has surprisingly taken off as one of my most popular pieces. I admit, she's one of my favorites as well. I spent a few hours analyzing which angle the wind should blow, and carefully took the time to paint her strands of hair in the right direction. In real life, if you notice - there's a subtle warm light that shimmers through each branch when the wind blows each leaf from it's tree. Every single gust takes at least 10 or more (depending on the size). And, that's when I timed the glow on her skin. Those tiny seconds during each breeze. 

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