The Peacock

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Old Navy and Their Slam on "Artists"

Old Navy is terrible, and their cheap products are as well. I've never been a fan, other than their flip flop clearance in the spring - which isn't worth buying anymore. Their Shirts discouraging artists, is really ignorant and demeaning. Especially to our youth! It took artists to design their cloths, buildings, and applied graphics to customize their signs. Before marking out "artist" as a real career, they should've thanked art for helping them achieve the success, that their company has gained throughout the years.
I've never followed a trendy store. Or really cared for t-shirts with slogans. This is garbage. If I limited my little one from "imaginative" success, then she would fall in line with any other paid establishment. Why not teach her to "create" her own opportunities, and encourage entrepreneurship? The visualization of success has to come from someone.

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